The Complete Course on Leadership

Location Start date End date Fees Inquire Register
Vienna 26.05.2025 30.05.2025 6,100 $ Inquire now Register
Dubai 26.05.2025 30.05.2025 4,300 $ Inquire now Register
London 26.05.2025 30.05.2025 6,100 $ Inquire now Register
London 30.06.2025 04.07.2025 6,100 $ Inquire now Register
Dubai 30.06.2025 04.07.2025 4,300 $ Inquire now Register
Dubai 07.07.2025 11.07.2025 4,300 $ Inquire now Register
Amsterdam 07.07.2025 11.07.2025 6,100 $ Inquire now Register


Demands to increase effectiveness and efficiency on leaders and managers in today’s current business environment are more prevalent than ever before. A person can become more effective and efficient if they have the desire and willpower to make changes in their work behavior. Certain leadership and management principles, however, must be learned and practiced and these principles do not come naturally. A person learns and develops skills in these areas through a never ending process of self-study, education, training and experience. In a fast paced, continual changing world, personal development is an effective practice a manager must possess to sharpen the wide variety of skills needed to carry out responsibilities and successfully accomplish the organisation’s goals.
The purpose of this comprehensive Complete Course on Management and Leadership is to assist persons at all levels in developing or enhancing their ability to lead and manage and achieve extraordinary results. The complete course is designed to beconsists of two separate, but closely interrelated modules on management and leadership. It provides practical skills to take back to the job, along with insights needed to adapt principles to specific work environments.
  • Principles of self management
  • Productive and empowering leadership
  • In-depth examination of the key issues of people leadership, organizational excellence, conflict management
  • Principles of productive teamwork and interpersonal interaction
  • Creative problem solving


  • Provide proven methods and cutting edge techniques for taking managerial performance to a higher level
  • Enhance skills and abilities which can be put to immediate use in the workplace
  • Articulate an understanding of the role of management and leadership in one’s business
  • Identify best management and leadership practices
  • Understand management and leadership and its role in the development of successful organizations