Leading with Confidence: Managing and Building Confidence through Communications

Location Start date End date Fees Inquire Register
London 12.05.2025 16.05.2025 6,100 $ Inquire now Register
Vienna 12.05.2025 16.05.2025 6,100 $ Inquire now Register
Dubai 12.05.2025 16.05.2025 4,300 $ Inquire now Register
Istanbul 23.06.2025 27.06.2025 5,000 $ Inquire now Register
Dubai 23.06.2025 27.06.2025 4,300 $ Inquire now Register


If you look at the most successful people within any organisation, you will notice that they all have a high level of self confidence, The ability to be strong, assertive and confident is a key skill that is needed by anybody who wishes to raise their profile and move to higher levels within the business.
  • The ability to put your point across strongly in a meeting
  • The be assertive when necessary
  • The ability to say NO, when needed
  • The ability to confidently stand and speak to a group of people
  • The ability communicate your confidence to others
  • The ability to stand your ground
It is a proven fact that your Level of personal self confidence will impact greatly on your business success, this course is designed to for all people who wish to boost up their confidence and assertiveness so that they can lead people more effectively.
The higher you move up the organisation the more important it is to be seen as strong and confident and assertive, this course is a crash course in building these key skills so that you progress upwards within the organisation.


  • Speak to groups in a way that will inspire and motivate them
  • Put your message across assertively in business meetings
  • Get people to buy into your ideas
  • Win around doubter’s and people who disagree
  • Say NO
  • Speak with passion and confidence
  • Project confidence and credibility to those you work with
  • See a dramatic increase in your level of self confidence