Inspirational Leadership: Strategy, Culture and Change

Location Start date End date Fees Inquire Register
Amsterdam 09.06.2025 13.06.2025 6,100 $ Inquire now Register
Dubai 09.06.2025 13.06.2025 4,300 $ Inquire now Register
Cairo 07.07.2025 11.07.2025 4,100 $ Inquire now Register
Dubai 07.07.2025 11.07.2025 4,300 $ Inquire now Register
Dubai 21.07.2025 25.07.2025 4,300 $ Inquire now Register
Madrid 21.07.2025 25.07.2025 6,100 $ Inquire now Register


Do you want your people to deliver extraordinary performance? Do you want your people to achieve great things and fulfill their potential? Do you want an organisational culture that engages your people? If your answer is yes then you must put into place the building blocks that create an inspirational organisation that motivates and empowers your people. Inspirational leaders are visionaries who seek and generate momentum for change. They create a shared vision which engages their people and a culture where people value themselves, each other, the company and the customers.
Inspirational leadership is a highly creative and intrinsically interpersonal activity to which people positively respond. As a leadership style, it demands that leaders employ their strengths with effect, where behaviours and values are paramount and where trust is established. This structured programme seeks to explore the personal traits that make leaders inspirational in the context of their organisations strategy and culture. It offers a learning experience in which tools and techniques are employed to build leadership capability and a strategic response to the challenges of role.


  • To build an organisational vision and identify the values which underpin the vision.
  • To identify the behaviours which build trust and influence.
  • To understand and demonstrate in practice the skills of inspirational leadership.
  • To understand organisational culture and how it impacts performance.
  • To ensure that strategy and culture are aligned to impact the organisation in a positive way.
  • To establish a “grounded” change management plan to meet the needs of the global environment.