Effective Business Decisions Using Data Analysis

Location Start date End date Fees Inquire Register
Dubai 19.05.2025 23.05.2025 4,300 $ Inquire now Register
Paris 19.05.2025 23.05.2025 6,100 $ Inquire now Register
Madrid 04.08.2025 08.08.2025 6,100 $ Inquire now Register
Dubai 04.08.2025 08.08.2025 4,300 $ Inquire now Register


Every professionals strives to make quality decisions. Quality decisions result from a careful and thorough evaluation of relevant information. Often such information is generated through statistical manipulation of data, but few professionals possess quantitative reasoning skills to meaningfully and validly interpret such statistical findings themselves or question the interpretations given by others.
The lack of quantitative analytical skills can potentially limit a professionals effectiveness to make quality decisions.
This program aims to develop an appreciation of the role of quantitative methods in management decision making and thereby empower professionals with an additional decision making skill.


  • Support strategic initiatives
  • Inform on policy formulation
  • Direct operational decision making
  • Appreciate the role of Data Analysis as a Decision Support tool
  • Explain the scope and structure of the discipline of Statistics
  • Understand the importance of data quality in data analysis
  • Select an appropriate Data Analysis methodology to apply to specific management situations
  • Apply a cross-section of Data Analysis tools and techniques
  • Meaningful interpret statistical output to inform decision making
  • Critically assess statistical findings with confidence
  • Interact meaningfully and with confidence with Data Analysts
  • Initiate with confidence their own Data Analysis projects