Best Practices in Multishift Operations

Location Start date End date Fees Inquire Register
Dubai 02.06.2025 06.06.2025 4,300 $ Inquire now Register
Paris 02.06.2025 06.06.2025 6,100 $ Inquire now Register
Dubai 02.06.2025 06.06.2025 4,300 $ Inquire now Register
Paris 02.06.2025 06.06.2025 6,100 $ Inquire now Register


Process industries are highly competitive. There are significant pressures to reduced costs whilst continuously improving the quality of service to customers. In order to compete successfully, 24-hour operations must achieve the highest possible standards at all times.
For a facility to operate safely and efficiently 24/7, it is necessary to apply shift working. However, a multiple-shift operation poses a challenge because of the potential for disconnects caused by the fact that the personnel are changing every few hours. This can result in a significantly increased risk of incidents together with operational problems such as reduced throughput and increased levels of waste. Operating multiple shifts can be like running several different companies at the same time. Each change of shift brings a new team of people with different skills, attitudes and objectives.
What is needed is a detailed understanding of all of the issues that shift working creates. This will then allow strategies to be developed to ensure that performance can be maintained at the very highest levels at all times.
Best Practices in Multishift Operations is a one-of-a kind workshop that reveals how the world's most successful companies manage multiple-shift and 24-hour operations to deliver world-class people and process performance.


  • Understand the issues associated with 24/7 shift operation:
    • Effective communication
    • Continuity of operation
    • Consistency of approach
    • Fatigue and its consequences
    • Shift-to-shift handover
    • People issues created by shift working
  • Identify strategies to deal with the issues:
    • How to implement seamless communications
    • Ensuring continuity of operation
    • Achieving effective shift handovers
    • Achieve shift-to-shift consistency of approach
    • Be able to identify and deal with fatigue
    • Dealing with people issues
    • Explore alternative shift schedules that reduce costs and improve job satisfaction
    • Implement Kaizen (continuous improvement) around-the-clock
    • Learn what has worked - and what hasn't - at other plants
    • Develop effective shift supervisors
    • Benchmark your performance against that of world-class facilities
    • Create an Action Plan for continuous improvement back at work